
而除了保持不變解析度外,我們也發現兩顆螢幕在可視角方面的表現也與前代並沒有什麼差異。得到1.8倍增大的主螢幕卻仍然保持著800x240的解析度,而第二 ...,基本上3DSLL跟3DSXL的規格是完全一樣的,都是3DS大型機,只是名稱差別而已;除了日本稱之為「LL」外,其他地...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nintendo 3DS LL XL 掌上遊戲機主站評測:大螢幕很棒

而除了保持不變解析度外,我們也發現兩顆螢幕在可視角方面的表現也與前代並沒有什麼差異。得到1.8 倍增大的主螢幕卻仍然保持著800 x 240 的解析度,而第二 ...

【資訊】LL與XL的分別- N3DS Nintendo 3DS

基本上3DS LL跟3DS XL的規格是完全一樣的,都是3DS大型機,只是名稱差別而已; 除了日本稱之為「LL」外,其他地區都叫作「XL」。

What's the difference between the XL and LL?

XL and LL are identical in every way except... - what 3DS games are allowed to be used (region locking) - the language used in the ...

【問題】該買N3DS LL 還是XL??

... LL的價格大概在五千上下,XL的價格大概是六千左右,差不多差了一千,想請問一下以我本身,不會一直追著很多大作跑,甚至幾乎不會...(DS ... 任天堂 · DS. 【問題】 ...

Should I buy a Nintendo 3DS or 3DS XL? What's the difference?

3DS XL has a larger screen. However it has the exact same pixel count. I find the XL easier to see, but the regular fits easier in your pocket.

What is the difference between the new 3ds XL and the new 3ds LL?

the difference between the New 3DS XL and New 3DS LL is the region it's made for . in Japan they use LL in place of XL when describing sizes larger than “Large”, so for the Japanese releases of their “XL” models Nintendo uses “LL” in the name instead

New 3DS XL V.S New 3DS LL : r3DS

Thet are exactly the same hardware. New 3DS LL is what it's called in Japan, New 3DS XL is what it's called in every other region.

Difference between New 3DS XL and New 3DS LL

LL is the Japanese XL. But no, you can't play your EU games on it. The 3DS is region locked.

The BIG Difference between the 3DS XL and LL

Comments246 · Can You Actually Beat Minecraft On Nintendo 3DS? · The New Nintendo 2DS XL · Mitsubishi's Windows 95 Tablet · I Broke my Ultimate New ...


... 任天堂3DS一樣內建可以與amiibo連線的NFC功能。 硬體比較. 編輯. 合併 任天堂3DS、任天堂3DS LL/XL、任天堂2DS、新任天堂3DS、新任天堂3DS LL/XL、新任天堂2DS LL/XL的比較.


而除了保持不變解析度外,我們也發現兩顆螢幕在可視角方面的表現也與前代並沒有什麼差異。得到1.8倍增大的主螢幕卻仍然保持著800x240的解析度,而第二 ...,基本上3DSLL跟3DSXL的規格是完全一樣的,都是3DS大型機,只是名稱差別而已;除了日本稱之為「LL」外,其他地區都叫作「XL」。,XLandLLareidenticalineverywayexcept...-what3DSgamesareallowedtobeused(regionlocking)-thelanguageusedinthe ...,...LL的價格大概在五千上...